Effective date: April 10, 2024
Source: 89 Fed. Reg. 25130-31919 (April 10, 2024), available at https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2024/04/10/2024-07244/imposition-of-import-restrictions-on-archaeological-and-ethnological-material-of-pakistan
The list of coins is very extensive. It includes:
(5) Coins—Ancient coins include gold, silver, copper, and copper alloy coins in a variety of denominations. Includes gold and silver ingots, which may be plain and/or inscribed. Some of the most well-known types are described below:
Comment: It remains unclear how CBP will apply these exceptionally broad import restrictions, which cover a host of materials also found in Central Asia, Afghanistan, India, Sri Lanka, and, indeed, as far away as Northern Europe. The designated list includes coin types that circulated regionally as well as internationally, including Roman Imperial coins, which the designated list itself admits are only "sometimes" found in Pakistan. It is also frustrating that the very same coins now subject to a State Department embargo are sold quite openly in Pakistan. Moreover, despite the claim that Assistant Secretary, ECA Lee Satterfield considered "less drastic remedies" before imposing restrictions on coins, the coin trade's suggestions related to focusing
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